Supporting sports clubs and other associations with the local community is one of OUR COMPANY'S MOST IMPORTANT STRATEGIC COMMITMENTS. In 2022 alone, Euro Lithium Balkan donated more than 10 million dinars to sports clubs in Valjevo and the surrounding area for the further development of sports. Euro Lithium + BORATES is proud to be continuing ITS engagement with Sports clubs and broadening its support to other associations.

FC “Toplica”

Soccer club "Toplica" received significant help in the construction of a new facility at the stadium with donations from our company. Donations were used to purchase materials among other construction costs. After the completion of work, the football club will officially open the stadium and start the 23/24 season on the new field.

“Valjevo” volleyball club

For the needs of training and participation in tournaments and matches, we helped procure volleyballs for the local volleyball club "Valjevo". The team is currently ranked 6th position in the first league of Serbia and we are honored to support them in further games for placement in the most elite tournaments.

ORK Metalac

Support to the handball club "Metalac" involved purchasing t-shirts for the training needs of the junior and senior selection. The handball sport was once a symbol of the city of Valjevo and our company feels participation in the re-actualization of this sport in Valjevo is significant and important. We look forward to continuing our support of this burgeoning group.

On several occasions, our company donated funds that were used for the purchase of national costumes and accompanying props for performances. With the last donation, all of the costumes needed for the performances of the first ensemble were acquired.

Dom Kulture Izvor